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AHM 41

Watch Live - July 18 at 11:00am EDT
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What's an All Hands Meeting?

Our All-Hands Meetings are part town hall, part showcase, part party. Three times a year, we shut down for two hours so the whole company can participate live, in person or online.

Tony and the leadership team deliver companywide updates, progress, announcements, and news. Throughout the show, the leadership from each department take the stage to talk about what their teams are working on, where things stand, and what’s next.

All Hands Meeting 36

Why We Host All Hands Meetings

All Hands Meetings began back in March 2011 as a way for leadership to have open, honest, clear, and complete communication with the entire company about the “culture restart” Roma was undergoing.

AHM is geared to serve our internal team as well as our various suppliers, vendors and of course, our loyal partners, customers, family, and friends. It calibrates all our initiatives and keeps everybody up to date.

Continued Education

No rumors. No speculation. Just straightforward commitment to Core Value #9 – Deliver Transparent, Open, Honest Communication. We share our progress, processes, and even our struggles.

Highlight Company Goals

AHM is when we come together to reiterate our commitment to shared goals. We share progress updates on initiatives, talk about the future, offer industry insights, and the state of the company.

Celebrate Wins

Wins deserve to be celebrated! And not just with a quick “good job.” The success of any business is a team effort, so we celebrate them as a team! Hard work and winning gets the recognition it deserves at our AHMs.

Share Knowledge

What’s working, what’s not, what’s happening, and what’s coming. AHM is both a time to share the good, the bad, the ugly, and at time to share the solutions that change ugly into awesome.

Visible Leadership

The success or failure of a company all starts with the buy-in, commitment, and visible engagement of leadership. That’s why our leadership teams take the stage at every AHM to be as accessible and visible as possible in their commitment to the whole team.

Inspire Innovation

Innovation doesn’t just happen in think tanks. Serendipitous collisions of greatness happen when you get great people together to share ideas, information, and insight. AHM gives the whole Roma family an opportunity to do just that.

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Watch Past Meetings

All Hands Meeting 41


Jul 18, 2024

All Hands Meeting 40


Mar 7, 2024

All Hands Meeting 39


Nov 16, 2023

All Hands Meeting 38


Jul 20, 2023

All Hands Meeting 37


Mar 16, 2023

All Hands Meeting 36


Dec 8, 2022

All Hands Meeting 35


Jul 21, 2022

All Hands Meeting 34


Mar 17, 2022

All Hands Meeting 33


Nov 18, 2021

All Hands Meeting 32


Jul 29, 2021

All Hands Meeting 31


Mar 18, 2021

All Hands Meeting 30


Nov 19, 2020

All Hands Meeting 29


Nov 14, 2019

All Hands Meeting 28


Jul 9, 2019

All Hands Meeting 27


Mar 9, 2018

All Hands Meeting 26


Nov 8, 2018

All Hands Meeting 25


Jul 9, 2018

All Hands Meeting 24


Mar 7, 2018

All Hands Meeting 23


Nov 9, 2017

All Hands Meeting 22


Jul 12, 2017

All Hands Meeting 21


Mar 9, 2017

All Hands Meeting 20


Nov 9, 2016

All Hands Meeting 19


Jul 9, 2015

All Hands Meeting 18


May 7, 2015

All Hands Meeting 14


Nov 9, 2014

All Hands Meeting 11


Nov 9, 2013

All Hands Meeting 10


Jul 10, 2013

All Hands Meeting 8


Nov 8, 2012

All Hands Meeting 7


Sep 3, 2012

All Hands Meeting 6


May 9, 2012

All Hands Meeting 5


Mar 5, 2012

All Hands Meeting 4


Dec 1, 2011

All Hands Meeting 2


Sep 8, 2011

All Hands Meeting 1


Mar 3, 2011